PETI is a badly socialised dog who came to the shelter when he was about 3 years old. His owner was dealing with problems at that time and when these problems were (probably) solved he never came back to take him home.
PETI is a gorgeous-looking dog, but you are not allowed to touch him, let alone stroke him.
He takes food willingly, even takes treats from your hand , but he won't have anything more to do with people. He makes it known to everyone where his limits are by loud and angry barking
He shares his kennel with a bitch, but he enjoys a good relationship with male dogs as well. We let him out into the fields around the shelter and when he's had a good sniff around he comes back.
Quite a few years have passed since he came into our care and now he allows stroking to the chosen ones. Moreover, he especially enjoys if the beloved person scratches his back and pats him. He walks regularly on the lead as well.
His heartworm test result on 18th February 2021 came back negative.
10.07.2024: Bei ihm wurde im linken Hinterbein ein Kreuzbandriss im Knie festgestellt. Er wurde am 17.07.2024 operiert.
06.08.2024: Kontrolluntersuchung, es gibt ein Implantat, das entfernt werden muss, Kontrolluntersuchung in 2 Monaten (2024.09.19.)